Sunday, March 31, 2013

article how to become a successful and wealthy

How to become a successful and wealthy

All people must be wondering, how to become a successful and wealthy?? Well as whether the key of success??
Who would not want to live like that, definitely always fulfilled life even more than pretty words.
Here I will give a little bit of motivation and solutions to you, so you will always think positive and think for more independence.
Success can be said or meant more than words successfully. Everyone can be successful, everyone can become wealthy until the person is able to feel the peace of life, tranquility of life in the world. But do not forget to always pray to Almighty God, because God is the one who gives it all and we should be thankful before we get anything back and we are thankful that we have accomplished something.
Being successful is not easy, we must pray and work hard every time, every day even minutes and seconds. But tidk need and not have to worry too thought that kind of thing and do not ever assume difficult to do so. We are confident that we can, be able to do so. The fight will be wonderful when we passed it, remember it ..
Being successful and wealthy do not have to go to school are smart and have high IP. But if indeed you feel good then get on your struggle.
We live this beautiful earth that we must kreativ importantly, kreativ kreativ of thinking and of doing things. Always remembered "never be afraid to try something you've never tried yagn" and do not even think what we're trying it will always fail, we must keep a sense of pessimism and optimism we have to prioritize. But even if the failure that we can, do not be disappointed with it. Regardless of the outcome and the risk we have to take it with pleasure. Failure is just a small word that delayed our success.
Remember "if someone encountered many failures in life, then that person closer to success and if someone meet a lot of success in life, then the failure of the person and the wait is awaited by the failure. Because life is always a choice between failure and success, and we should be able to spend one of them first, as the sentence above. Back on kratif thinking was, if we are able to think creatively then there is that we produce and the size of the result depends on how much you berpkir kratif.
Then, too, we should be grateful no matter how much later the result that we can. Then on high and not IP. If someone was smart to finally have a high IP then the person who could be king in the great kingdom.
What about those who are less clever and low IP?? Can it be successful?? Or is it just could be a soldier?? Of course the question wrong.
IP does not guarantee the success of the high, low as well as with IP. Clear back to yourself. We must be able to think critically kratif and live our life.
Remember also "better to reign in the small kingdom than a soldier in a great kingdom". Because we were created to be a leader.
Bagaimapun rigors of life, we still have to get through the challenge, until finally we can say it feels wonderful struggle seletah us through.
In this world every day appeared a success of their dreams.
So, why can not we? Now is the time for you to become a successful person that you wake up from your dreams before. If you think success then you will succeed, if you are minded to be rich then you will be rich. Always do the best for you. As well mudahkanlah people around you, then God willing you will be facilitated by the affairs of God Almighty.

A few of my motivasai, may be useful for you.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Artikel Teh Kualitas Terbaik di Dunia ada di Indonesia

Artikel  Teh Kualitas Terbaik di Dunia ada di Indonesia

Teh Kualitas Terbaik di Dunia adalah Teh Kayu Aro dari Kerinci Jambi itu Ternyata Teh Favorite Para Ratu di Eropa.
Siapa yang menyangka kalau Teh Kayu Aro di Jambi, adalah teh kualitas no. 1 di dunia? Teh Ty Poo, perusahaan Inggris produsen teh premium dunia, yang terkenal di Inggris didirikan Sir John Jr., memakai bahan baku Teh Kayu Aro, dimana memosok produk teh ke keluarga bangsawan di Eropa. Bukan hanya itu Ratu Belanda sejak Ratu Wihelmina, Ratu Juliana hingga Ratu Beatrix adalah penikmat teh kayu aro ini. Namun sayangnya bangsa Indonesia tidak mampu atau tidak bisa merasakan nikmatnya aroma teh yang diambil dari pucuk teh pilihan, menghasilkan teh berwarna orange bening dengan rasa kental di lidah dan bertahan lama yang dihasilkan oleh dataran tinggi Kayu Aro, Kerinci - Jambi, Sumatera- Indonesia.
Perusahan Teh Kayu Aro dibuka oleh perusahaan Belanda dengan nama Namblodse Venotschaaf Handle Vereniging Amsterdan (NV HVA) tahun 1925, merupakan perkebunan teh terluas di dunia setelah perkebunan teh Darjeling di kaki gunung Himalaya, dengan luas 3.020 hektar, yang rata-rata menghasilkan 80 ton daun basah per harinya. Dan uniknya lagi pengolahan Teh Kayu Aro ini, tidak berubah sejak jaman Belanda, yaitu pengolahan secara tradisional tanpa bahan pengawet dan bahan pewarna. Saat ini pengawasan perusahaan teh ini dibawah PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI (PTPN VI), mulai dari perawatan dan pemeliharaan tanaman, pemetikan pucuk teh, pengolahan di pabrik, pengemasan hingga pengiriman.
Kualitas Grade 1 teh ini tidak dipasarkan di Indonesia, hanya untuk perdagangan luar negeri terutama Eropa dan Amerika. Bayangkan saja harga jual pabrik $ 2,89/kg, bandingkan dengan harga satu merek yang dikemas di Inggris, dengan memakai bahan baku Teh Kayo Aro ini oleh Ty Poo diharga 1,8 Pounsteling untuk 1/4 kg, sedangkan harga di Indonesia untuk kemasan 1 box hanya berkisar Rp 3.500 saja. Kualitas grade 2 & 3 juga dipasarkan tapi tentu rasanya berbeda, bila grage 1 tanpa ampas dan serbuk, maka grage 2 & 3 dicampur daun dan batang dan tentu saja warnanya tidak orange lagi. Kualitas Grade 3 dipasarkan di Indonesia ke para produsen teh, sebagai bahan campuran dari bahan baku teh yang ada di Indonesia. Dan teh ini juga dipasarkan dalam bentuk kemasan oleh PTPN VI.
Budaya minum teh ditemukan oleh Kaisar Cina Shen Nung secara tidak sengaja tahun 2737 SM, yang ternyata sudah populer di daratan Cina pada 800 SM, yang dari Cina dibawa ke Jepang oleh pendeta Budha, sehingga teh diasosiakan dengan ajaran Zen, dengan rangkaian prosesi rumit dan indah, namun nilai Zen menghilang saat menjadi kompetisi dan proses penyajian dikuasai oleh Geisha. Lalu Pangeran Ikkyu (1394-1481) mengembalikan kemurnian uparaca minum teh di Jepang. Hingga saat ini warga Tionghoa di Indonesia masih melakukan upacara minum teh sebelum Upacara Pernikahan, sebagai tanda bakti kepada orang tua.
Di Eropa sendiri mulai berkenalan dengan teh pada masa ekspansi Bangsa Portugis, yang disebut "cha", awalnya melalui istri Raja Charles II, Catherine of Braganza, memperkenalkan kebiasaan minum teh ke Inggris Raya tahun 1660, dengan ritual minum teh sore hari dengan waktu yang ketat, perkakas, tata krama dan teman sepergaulan minum teh. Di Indonesia sendiri, tidak ada upacara atau acara khusus minum teh dikalangan rakyat biasa, namun waktu jaman kolonial Belanda, "tea time" ini hanya untuk kalangan bangsawan, adalah sebagai ajang silahturahmi. Dan sekarang umumnya teh diminum pagi hari sebagai teman sarapan atau menjelang sore hari.
Lalu bagaimana bila kita ingin merasakan nikmatnya Teh Kayu Aro Grade 1? Terpaksalah kita harus membelinya di Inggris atau di Brunai dengan harga tentu sangat mahal. Ironis sekali ya...bangsa penghasil teh terbaik di dunia tapi tidak mampu menikmati produk tanaman super dari bumi alam Indonesia sendiri.

The article Tea Best Quality in the World

The article Tea Best Quality in the World

Tea is the World's Best Quality Tea from Kerinci in Jambi Kayu Aro Tea Favorite it turns out the queen in Europe.
Who would have thought that the Tea Kayu Aro in Jambi, is no quality teas. 1 in the world? Ty Poo tea, premium tea manufacturer British company world famous in England Sir John Jr. founded., Using raw materials Kayu Aro tea, which memosok tea products to the noble families of Europe. Not only that since the Queen Wihelmina Dutch Queen, Queen Juliana to Queen Beatrix is ​​the connoisseur's Kayu Aro tea. But unfortunately the Indonesian people can not afford or can not feel the pleasure of scents of tea taken from shoots of tea choices, resulting in clear, orange tea with strong flavor on the tongue and lasting plateau generated by Kayu Aro, Kerinci - Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia.
Kayu Aro Tea Company opened by a Dutch company with a name Namblodse Venotschaaf Amsterdan Handle Vereniging (NV HVA) in 1925, is the world's largest tea plantation after tea plantation Darjeling at the foot of the Himalayas, with an area of ​​3020 hectares, the average yield of 80 tons of leaves wet per day. And unique anymore Kayu Aro tea processing, it does not change since the Dutch, the traditional processing without preservatives and dyes. Currently, under the supervision of the company's tea plantations PT Nusantara VI (PTPN VI), from the care and maintenance of plants, shoots of tea picking, processing plants, packaging to delivery.
Grade 1 quality tea is not marketed in Indonesia, only to trade overseas, especially Europe and America. Just imagine the factory sale price $ 2.89 / kg, compared with the price of a brand that is packed in the UK, using raw materials Kayo Aro Tea by Ty Poo diharga 1.8 Pounsteling to 1/4 kg, while the price in Indonesia for packaging 1 box only around Rp 3,500 only. Quality grade 2 & 3 are also marketed but of course it's different, when Grage 1 without pulp and powder, then Grage 2 & 3 mixed leaves and stems and of course the color is not orange anymore. Quality Grade 3 marketed in Indonesia to the producers of tea, as a mixture of raw tea in Indonesia. And tea is also marketed in packaged form by PTPN VI.
Culture of drinking tea was discovered by Chinese Emperor Shen Nung accidentally in 2737 BC, which was already popular in mainland China in 800 BC, which was brought from China to Japan by Buddhist monks, making tea are associated with the teachings of Zen, with a series of intricate and beautiful procession , but the value of Zen disappeared while being competitive and dominated by the presentation of Geisha. Then Prince Ikkyu (1394-1481) uparaca restore the purity of drinking tea in Japan. Until now, Chinese people in Indonesia still do the tea ceremony before the wedding ceremony, as a sign of devotion to parents.
In Europe itself began to get acquainted with the tea in the expansion of the Portuguese nation, called "cha", originally by the wife of King Charles II, Catherine of Braganza, introduce tea drinking to the United Kingdom in 1660, with the afternoon tea ritual with strict time , utensils, manners and friends sepergaulan tea. In Indonesia, there are no ceremonies or special events tea among the common people, but when the Dutch colonial era, "tea time" is only for the nobility, is as a venue silahturahmi. And now generally drink tea morning as friend breakfast or in the afternoon.
So what if we want to feel the joy of Kayu Aro Tea Grade 1? We should be compelled to buy it in the UK or in Brunei at a price of course very expensive. Ironic huh ... best tea-producing nation in the world but not be able to enjoy a super plant products from natural earth Indonesia itself.

dont forgen to comment guys....



Coffee is the kind of drink that comes from the processing and extraction of the coffee bean plant.
The word coffee itself comes from the Arabic: قهوة qahwah which means strength, because at first the coffee is used as a high-energy food. The word qahwah again changed into kahveh derived from Turkish and then changed again to koffie in Dutch. The use of the word koffie immediately absorbed into the Indonesian language into the word coffee is known today.
In general, there are two types of coffee beans, the Arabica (best quality) and robusta.
History records that the discovery of coffee as a nutritious drink and energetic first discovered by the nation of Ethiopia in Africa about 3000 years (1000 BC) ago. Coffee then continues to grow to this day to be one of the most popular beverages in the world is consumed by many people. Indonesia itself has been able to produce more than 400 thousand tons of coffee per side tahunnya.Di attractive taste and aroma, coffee also may reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, gallstones, and various heart diseases (cardiovascular).
Beginning in Africa
Coffee beans era of discovery began around the year 800 BC, the other opinion says 850 M. At that time, many people in Africa, especially the Ethiopians, who ate beans mixed with animal fat and wine to meet the protein and energy needs of the body. The discovery of coffee itself happens by accident when a herder named Khalid Abyssinia, watching a herd of goat herds is maintained even after the sun goes down after eating a fruit bery. He also tried to cook and eat. This habit then continues to grow and spread to many countries in Africa, but the method of presentation are still using conventional methods. It was only a few hundred years later, the coffee beans are brought through the Red Sea and arrived in Saudi with a more advanced method of presentation.
The spread of coffee in Arabia
Arabs have a more advanced civilization than the African nation at the time, not just cooking beans, but also boiled to take the juice. In the 13th century, many Muslims drank coffee to stay awake so that the cult popularity of coffee also helped to increase along with the spread of Islam at that time until it reaches the region of North Africa, the Mediterranean, and India.
At this time, there is no cultivation of coffee outside the Arab region since the Arabs always export beans infertile (infertile) and how to cook and dry them first. This led to coffee cultivation is not possible Then in the 1600s, a pilgrim named Baba Budan India managed to bring out of the fertile coffee beans Mecca and grow in various areas outside Arabia.

Coffee reached the European market
The coffee beans was first brought to Europe in 1615 formally by a merchant of Venice. He got a supply of coffee beans from the Turks, but the number is not sufficient market demand. By because they were, Europeans began to cultivate them. The Dutch are one of the first European countries to successfully cultivate them in 1616. Later in 1690, the coffee bean was brought to the island of Java to cultivated on a large scale. At that time, Indonesia was still a Dutch colonial colonies.
Reaching into Martinique, France
In about the year 1714's, the French King Louis XIV to receive donations from the Dutch coffee trees to complement his collection at the Royal Botanic Gardens of Paris, the Jardin des Plantes. At the same time, naval serorang named Gabriel Mathieu in Clieu wanted to bring some of the tree to be taken to Martinique. However, it was rejected by Louis XIV, and in return, he led some troops to sneak into the Jardin des Plantes to steal the coffee plant.
Gabriel Mathieu Clieu success in bringing the coffee plant to Martinique is a very big achievement. This is because the cultivation of coffee in there pretty good. Only in the past 50 years, there have been approximately 18 million coffee trees with diverse varieties. Progeny that is the source of wealth one type of coffee in the world.
Coffee flowers to Brazil
In 1727, the Brazilian government initiative to lower the price of the coffee market in the region, because at that time the coffee was sold at a high price and can only be enjoyed by the elite. Therefore, the Brazilian government sends a special agent, Lieutenant Colonel Francisco de Melo Palheta, to sneak into France and brought home some coffee seeds. Coffee plantations in France has very strict safeguards so that it is not possible. Palheta was looking the other way by approaching the governor's wife. As a result of his hard work, he took home a bouquet of flowers containing a lot of coffee provided by the governor's wife after dinner. From the tops of these nations Brazil managed to cultivate coffee in a very large scale so that it can be consumed by everyone.

article Optimize Windows 7 Startup Performance

Optimize Windows 7 Startup Performance

If you have been suffering from Windows performance problems recently to the point that it is adversely impacting your productivity, then you may want to seriously consider taking the steps necessary in order to optimize Windows 7 startup performance. You would think that after seven releases of the most popular, best selling operating system of all time, that it would be an operating system that would require very little in the way of optimization and tuning. But alas, such is not the case.
As a matter of fact, when you think about it, today’s modern cars still need to be optimized, tuned, and maintained, in order to run in tip top shape, don’t they? If today’s modern cars still need to undergo the rigors of routine preventative maintenance from time to time, then today’s modern computers are by no means an exception to this rule.
Think about it for a moment. With all of the software that you install or download onto your computer or with all of the hardware that you connect to your computer from time to time, each and every little thing is bound to take its toll on your operating system, slowly bogging it down to the point where your computer begins to exhibit signs of performance degradation.
And nowhere is this performance degradation more pronounced than during the boot up of your computer. If your computer is taking an unacceptably long time to load, then you will want to take the measures necessary in order to optimize Windows 7 startup performance.
Do you have any programs configured to automatically launch as soon as you power up your computer, or as soon as you log onto your Windows account?
Do you have any services configured to run in the background which would launch automatically upon startup of your computer?
Even if the answer to the above two questions is no and you have ruled these out, one thing you will want to check for is for the presence of viruses and / or spyware. Believe it or not, spyware can remain hidden in your operating system by means of stealth, and you would have no way of ever knowing that it is running. This spyware can tax your system performance without your knowledge.
The good news is that in order to optimize Windows 7 startup performance, we can rely on software programs that are designed for that purpose: automating the process of streamlining the startup experience. A typical Windows optimization software utility will collect all of the information it can find from your system about the programs that are configured to start, and it will present this to you, for you to decide what to disable and what to allow, at start up.
Also, as alluded to above, it is important that you run antispyware and antivirus software on your computer at all times. This will keep any unauthorized, rogue processes from running on your machine at boot time that could be not only slowing down your startup experience but also spying on and collecting data from your machine unawares.

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