Monday, April 1, 2013

new ladies clothing articles danger if used directly

6:21 AM

WASHING CLOTHES NEW BRA and you, before use. A lot of people are doing it, as a warning for those who do not do it. Read and prepare yourself to see this picture. We did not know what was inside the parasite when we buy clothes.

Oh my God. It's disgusting.
NEW BRA WASHING before you wear it! Make it a habit from now to wash new clothes before you wear them, this is VERY IMPORTANT!!!

After Susan McKinley (Anthropological) home after an expedition in South America, she noticed a strange rash on her left breast, no one knew what it was, and he thought the rash will disappear over time.

After he returned, he went to the doctor because he started feeling sick. Doctors do not know what diseases are in pain, the doctor gave antibiotics and special creams. After intermittent pain does not go away and her breasts grew hot and began to bleed. She decided to bandage the bleeding was, however, the pain grew, he began to find the best doctors. Dr. Lynch could not diagnose the infection and ask what happened to Susan to look for his friend who is an expert in the field of Dermatology. Unfortunately the doctor was on vacation. Susan waited for 2 weeks and was finally able to meet Dermatologist.

Susan was surprised, as he opened his bandages, they found larva growing and lodged in the wound pori2 and breasts, occasionally evil creatures in the pori2 and appeared in the hole next to it, which he knew was tidah very deep hole from which he imagined. The larvae eat the fat, the skin layer and channel breast milk!

keep cleaning, you keep. Means that you maintain the health of yourself ..

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